So what are the 20 mammals that you will surely discover only in Borneo? Click the link here: travelwithdawson.com/mammals-found-only-in-borneo/ for full details and pictures; or continue reading below if you want to find out more.
20 Mammals Found Only in Borneo
- Borneo Orang-Utan
- Proboscis Monkey
- Borneo Pgymy Elephant
- Borneo Sun Bear
- Borneo Sumatran Rhinocerous
6. Squirrels

7. Treeshrews

8. Shrew
9. Mouse
10. Rats
11. Bats

12. Leaf Monkey
13. Bornean Gibbon
14. Borneo Bay Cat
15. Bornean Clouded Leopard
16. Hose’s Civet
17. Bornean Ferret Badger
18. Slow Loris
19. Thick-spined Porcupine
20. Bornean Yellow Muntjac
These unique animals, however, face threats mostly from human activities such as hunting, logging, pet trading, farm clearing and even spreading invasive species. We can take actions on our part to help reduce these threats by not buying any illegal parts and products from the wildlife. Ask questions and get the facts before buying any wildlife product.